Final // reflection

    I'm sure everyone is well aware how stressful and anxiety ridden this semester has been. For myself personally, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. I work at a nursing home in town, so when this all broke out I had to evaluate what was more important- exposing myself as a high risk individual, or taking a leave from my job and being broke, jobless, and unable to pay rent. The latter wasn't a viable option. There were so many points in this semester where I wanted to stop and give up, throw away all my classes and just lock myself in my house forever. Especially when my facility finally became exposed to COVID-19. It was hard to cope with all of this, I had only my partner to rely on. 
    At some point me and my partner started to go for walks to clear our heads. There's something centering about acknowledging the smaller parts of the world around you. As I started to take photos, I was able to zoom in and recognize the smaller worlds that exist within our own, away from everything that's happening in my own world. Objects and remnants of my own world that were cast aside, corners or pieces of my own world taken out of their context. I enjoyed stripping a scene down to its bare bones in a way that makes it hard to recognize what created it. I hope to continue to abstract and pull things away from their greater context in order to create new worlds in my photos. I hope to continue to explore these ideas, and I hope others find ways to thrive creatively through this mess as well. It's hard, and I think it's fair to assume most of us were unable to do be the best artists, or the best students during all of this. However, that doesn't make it any less of  a feat that we were able to get through this semester and still create. 

