Ammity Rose Final

                                   This semester has been a tough one as we all know. I was going to use this class this semester to revisit the art of color photo that I had put on the back burner. My editing skills had decreased a lot since the first time I took the class and I had hoped it would get better during the course of the semester. However, as we know the class didn't go as planned so I resorted to using my little digital camera to do my shooting rather than my film camera. This was a hard transition because I make pictures so differently on that camera than with my film camera. However, Meadow and I started developing our own film and got a scanner. So for the last couple of weeks, I had been shooting new film pictures and scanning them. However, my photoshop canceled due to money issues. I am using other programs now. I developed old film from a year ago and wanted to pair them with some digital shot I took.

                  A lot of the photos I have worked with this semester are pictures I took during the summer when I visited my hometown in Arkansas. Reliving these photos was a hard thing to do. When making the move from Arkansas to Ohio 4 years ago I knew that I was leaving a home I once knew forever. I knew that the next time I would be back everything would be different. These photos are from a year ago and looking at them I realize the home I once knew is even now so much different than it was. Now my home doesn't look anything like these photos I had taken a year ago. The place I grew up doesn't feel at all like my home, it's a total stranger now. It didn't need me to survive, it changed, and grew, and now so much time as passed and we're strangers. These pictures bring up a lot of these feelings for me. Reminding me of all the different families I have had in that home. With my dad remarrying every 4 years of my life that home never stayed the same. I watched family after family move into my home, change things and go. Leaving the little things they did and left behind to decay and be forgotten about. I grew up without those families, I changed, and now time has passed and now we're strangers. They knew me for a moment in time, they just passed through. It has been a cycle in my life that I have gotten very familiar with. These photos capture a moment in time, just a glimpse of my ever-changing past. Nothing is the same now. This life portrayed in these photos doesn't exist anymore.

                     I think in the future if I continue to work on this again I would want to show different versions of my Arkansas life. Making sense of how things are changing. Instead of just having them.


  1. AMMITY! These photos are incredibly emotive. I think each image in this series creates an instant emotional response that is unlike a lot of your other work. I don't think this is a good or bad thing! Usually I have felt that your work needed a little bit of space to interpret, but these photos are extremely vivid and fast to me. I really learned a lot from this series!


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