Olivia #3

Quarantine and isolation has been strange to say the least. Everything seems somewhat intangible right now, like nothing can stay still. We're in this strange limbo that doesn't seem real at times. While at times it's been a welcome change to relax at home, it's also been filled with anxiety and uncertainty. I feel everything very deeply, so some days are easier than others, but I've come to embrace it all, and I'm learning a lot about myself along the way. I'm very thankful for that.


  1. First three catches my eye right away, the way you manipulate the space is awesome, I dig it, and helps what you say. The way the second photo morphs to unidentifiable shapes and how something new comes in. Last one I like as well, kind of feels that "Shadow" idea, that always a side of us, but we do not want to notice, and need to embrace it.

    1. I agree with Logan the first three are very eye catching with the way you have manipulated your face. The distortion of the face indicates an internal struggle and a feeling of being lost. It seems with the way life is now everything is a blur, we get frustrated with the situation and feel locked in. I feel that you have captured these feelings very well.

  2. I agree with both Chris and Logan, the first three images are truly eye catching and stunning; the face manipulation picture especially. It depicts the feelings you as well as others during this weird time of quarantine are feeling. I like the blur effect in the other images as well in a way it depicts how life is right now- a blur. These images are really interesting to look at and I enjoy the way you were able to portray the way you are feeling right now through your images, well done.

  3. Olivia,

    The girl in the first three photos seems as though she's going through immense trouble or thought of some kind. I like the way you portray her and her consciousness. It seems like she's in some sort of dream or deep in thought. The blur in the photo and her facial expressions give a theme of "self-reflection". I would've liked to see the whole sequence of these types of portraits! I would've been excited to see them! Please do more of these for next week.


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