Ivy Beaver // Post #4


  1. I cannot BELIEVE you got these photos of a deer so close. Normally when I see a deer, the photos I take are blurry and out of focus because I'm fumbling around with my camera rushing to take the picture. The last photo looks like the deer is chomping down on some of that bird seed, looks like it's "mid-chew". Definitely one of the more "fun" posts I've seen on the blog!

  2. Ivy, oh my goodness HOW CUTE, these are so so sweet!! I'm thinking the same thing as Ryan, how you got great photos of them so close! I have never seen photos like these before of deer and I'm so grateful you got pictures of them and posted them! I really like the one of the deer with bird seed in its mouth as well, how adorable! I have also never seen a picture like the one with the deer looking in your window at your dog how cool is that! The framing of your photos is great, the exposure, and the sharpness as well as the composition, these are so sweet!


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