And it stoned me

A recent journal entry:

"Today a friend asked me to think about my goals for the next twenty years. The thought stoned me. It's frightening to think that far in advance, and I'm not sure I want to. At time it is difficult to see past tomorrow or the day after that."

"...The thought of the future takes my breath away. I like keeping my feet on the ground here in the present just concentrating on the task at hand while keeping an eye on what tomorrow may bring."

Suggested listening: Van Morrison "And It Stoned Me"


  1. These photos really remind me of home. I don't necessarily live in a cornfield but I drive by so many. These pictures are wholesome. There's a special sentiment to them. It's sort of like coming home after being away for years and you're reliving the memories of it. I presume these photos project that side of yourself?


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